simple is beautiful
Sorry I Missed Your Party: Keep on Truckin'
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Keep on Truckin'

There's three things a man loves in this world: his truck, his woman, and his cell-phone shoulder holster.

On Monday night I watched a PBS documentary about Lyndon B. Johnson, and one of his old friends quoted something Johnson said about why he avoided bringing up the "situation" in Vietnam (this was before the war really got started) during the 1964 election campaign: "If your mother-in-law has one eye, and it's in the middle of her forehead; you probably don't want to have her sit out in the living room."

Well, ol' LBJ might just hide these messes in the back room, but this groom confronts the ugly mother-in-law situation head on with American ingenuity and aplomb. Slap a sexy bikini lady tee shirt over her, and BAM! Mission accomplished! Is it obvious that everything I know about post-WWII U.S. history I learned from Forest Gump?

Thanks to Brad for this photo from a wedding photographer's site.


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